Monday, 22 June 2015

Our Animal Enclosures

Today we made the most incredible animal enclosures. I am really proud of all Room 20 and the creative way the children made the enclosures. They planned the enclosures and thought about what they needed to make them.
The children looked at shelter for the animals, food, water and fun.
Here are the photos.
Look forward to the fotobabbles when the children will tell you what they did.

The tortoise enclosure by Eden and Iris

The tiger enclosure by Hafsa and Sasha

The polar bear enclosure by Rochelle and Chloe

The elephant enclosure by Andrew and Sasha

The zebra enclosure by Elisha and Logan

The lion enclosure by Moustafa and Kian

The cheetah enclosure by Tyler and Dithira

The tiger enclosure by Qian

The monkey enclosure by Sophia

The giraffe enclosure by Tiffany and Marco


  1. I like all the enclosures but I especially like the monkey enclosure by Sophia. The way enclosure is framed by the trees is simply fantastic! Well done Sophia. I'm proud of you.

  2. Wow Room 20 your enclosures look incredible. I love seeing how much effort you have put into thinking about what your animals need to be happy and healthy. Well done!
