Thursday, 15 October 2015

Term 4

We had a great term break. All the children are now back at school. 
We shared our holiday news and found that many of the Room 20 children had been overseas.
How exciting!

We have lots planned for the last nine weeks of the school year.

Life Education - We are looking at the unit "Social Relationships".
Science - changing states of materials through heating and cooling.
Maths - Fractions and more addition, subtraction and multiplication. The children now also have a user name and password for Mathletics.
Calendar Art - Can be ordered from week 4

Remember that all children need a hat this term when doing any outside activities.

We'll post again soon

Thursday, 24 September 2015

End of Term

We have done lots of work despite not posting anything for a while! Here are our monsters from our big book this week "The Monsters' Party". Our Monsters on PhotoPeach

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

We read this popular Fairy Tale this week. We had our first attempt at retelling the story and made some porridge. One Room 20 person said it looked just like the Three Bears porridge! Here are a few photos.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

We loved the Three Billy Goats story last week. We wrote about our favourite part, made puppets and an animation on the PuppetPals app (go to the ESOL Year 1 blog to see the animation) and created some troll pictures that are now on display in the library. Here they are for you to see.

Thursday, 23 July 2015

100 Days

100 Days on PhotoPeach 100 Days (2) on PhotoPeach

100 Days at School


Today was our one hundredth day at school. We made some cookies this morning to celebrate. This afternoon we made some number 100's with natural materials found around the school grounds.

These are the photos we took.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Readers and Writers Festival

We have had a wonderful start to our festival week. Today we had our book character parade. It was a huge success and many parents stayed to watch. Here are some of the photos. Parade Day 2015 on PhotoPeach

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Monday, 22 June 2015

Our Animal Enclosures

Today we made the most incredible animal enclosures. I am really proud of all Room 20 and the creative way the children made the enclosures. They planned the enclosures and thought about what they needed to make them.
The children looked at shelter for the animals, food, water and fun.
Here are the photos.
Look forward to the fotobabbles when the children will tell you what they did.

The tortoise enclosure by Eden and Iris

The tiger enclosure by Hafsa and Sasha

The polar bear enclosure by Rochelle and Chloe

The elephant enclosure by Andrew and Sasha

The zebra enclosure by Elisha and Logan

The lion enclosure by Moustafa and Kian

The cheetah enclosure by Tyler and Dithira

The tiger enclosure by Qian

The monkey enclosure by Sophia

The giraffe enclosure by Tiffany and Marco

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Animal Enclosures

We are finishing off our Technology unit next week. We are going to be making our animal enclosures focusing on the basic needs of an animal.
We look forward to sharing the photos of our enclosures before the excitement of the Readers and Writers Festival takes over.
Keep watching!!

Writing Excitement

We are getting quite excited about our writing. We didn't realise how many things there were to write about. Some children are writing imaginary stories and continuing the next day.

Andrew wrote, "Today I saw a rocket flying in New Zealand. Flying all around my house and it went in my house. Three red aliens came out of the rocket on eight legs and said, "Hello! We want eggs."....... to be continued.

Some children are thinking about all the possibilities for writing during our Readers and Writers Festival. We are looking forward to showing more of our work.

Thank you for all the comments

We love hearing your comments. Thank you for viewing our blog.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Sneaky Toys

Well, would you believe it!!

The toys played in the classroom last night when we went home. Look what they got up to.

Winnie the Pooh taught the other toys at the teaching station.

Tigger did his writing.

Grandma Bear did a puzzle.

Angry Bird played with the pegs.

Dog played with the blocks.

Panda and Mag changed the maths calendar.

Cookie Monster and Blue Teddy played on the computer.

They are all back in the cave now. I expect they are tired after being up all night.