Christopher and his mum shared their Japanese culture this morning. We watched a Sumo wrestling competition on the tv. Then we made origami sumo wrestlers and then we had a wrestling competition. Christopher was the ultimate winner!
Alina and her mum shared some of their Indian culture with us. Reshma taught us about the Indian festival Raksha Bandhan which is a friendship and protection festival. It was happening on exactly the same day in India!
Each child gave another child a friendship bracelet - rakhi and then we ate some food. We had murukus, bajjis and bourbon biscuits. The beautiful tray is called an aarthi.
Ryan and his mum shared a story from the Iraqi culture and Ryan shared a few words from his language.
The story was Aladdin's Lamp. Here are a few photos.
We have some interesting things planned for term 3. Our topic is about different cultures. We are going to ask the question - Where in the world are we from?
Some of the Room 20 parents have agreed to come into the classroom and share something about their culture with the children.
Our first guest was Jenny, Taran's mum. Here are some photos from her visit.
Jenny is an author and illustrator. She shared her book and told the children how she made the rhymes. She also explained how she did her illustrations.
Thank you for sharing!!